Articles & Essays


Here you will find published and non-published works produced since 1991.

The Mariology of Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) and its Influence on Some Marian Magisterial Statement

Charles Journet was born in 1891, just outside of Geneva. He died in 1975, having taught ftfty-six years at the Grande Seminaire in Fribourg. During that time he co-founded the journal Nova et Vetera, 1 became a personal friend of Jacques Maritain, 2 and gained fame as a theologian of the Church. In 1965, in recognition of his theological achievements, Pope Paul VI named him cardinal.


The Marian Spirituality of "Opus Dei"

The date commonly given for the founding of Opus Dei is October 2, 1928. On that day, while praying in a Vincentian residence in the northern outskirts of Madrid, the twenty-six year old Father ]osemaria Escriva had an inspiration that would lead to the establishment of what is now called Opus Dei.


The Art of the Immaculate Conception

The painter Edouard Manet once said, "Concision in art is a necessity as well as an elegance; a man who is concise makes you think, a verbose man bores you." 1 In this article we aim to give a concise account of how the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, and she who was the Immaculate Conception, have been made visible in works of Western art.


Doctoral Thesis: Salus in St. Hilary of Poitiers

This is the doctoral thesis I wrote 1998-2001 under the direction of Father Luis Ladaria (now Cardinal) at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.


The American Liturgical Movement, Social Justice, and Architectural Change

If one were to ask a typical American Catholic who lived in the United States between 1965 and 1980 what the Second Vatican Council had accomplished, one of the most common re-sponses would surely be β€œthe Council changed the liturgy.”