Auctor perennis gloriae / Eternal Source of Glory Bright

Through the Year, Weeks 1 & 3, Saturday Matins (Day)
Translated 2005, 2021.

Auctor perennis gloriæ,
qui septiformis gratiæ
das Spiritum credentibus,
assiste mitis omnibus.

Expelle morbos corporum,
mentis repelle scandalum,
exscinde vires criminum,
fuga dolores cordium.

Serenas mentes effice,
opus honestum perfice,
preces orantum accipe,
vitam perennem tribue.

Septem dierum cursibus
nunc tempus omne ducitur;
octavus ille ultimus
dies erit iudicii,

In quo, Redemptor, quæsumus,
ne nos in ira arguas,
sed a sinistra libera,
ad dexteram nos colloca,

Ut, cum preces susceperis
clemens tuarum plebium,
reddamus omnes gloriam
trino Deo per sæcula. Amen.

Eternal Source of glory bright,
Who give the children of the light
The Spirit’s seven gifts of grace,
Come to their aid in ev’ry place.

Preserve our bodies, sound and whole;
Remove all scandal from the soul;
Make ev’ry evil pow’r depart;
Drive out all sorrow from the heart.

With peaceful calm our spirits bless;
Perfect our work in righteousness;
Receive our prayers, that we may be
Alive in you eternally.

For week by week, and year by year,
The end of time is drawing near.
The day will come, the eighth and last,
The day for judgment to be passed.

Redeemer, on that dreadful day,
Accuse us not in wrath, we pray;
Let us not with the wicked stand;
Give us to sit at your right hand.

In your great kindness, hear our prayer,
That we, your people, ev’rywhere
May give you glory and adore,
God, Three in One, for evermore. Amen.