Plasmator hominis, Deus,
qui cuncta solus ordinans,
humum iubes producere
reptantis et ferae genus:
Qui magna rerum corpora,
dictu iubentis vivida,
ut serviant per ordinem
subdens dedisti homini:
Repelle a servis tuis,
quicquid per immunditiam,
aut moribus se suggerit,
aut actibus se interserit.
Da gaudiorum praemia,
da gratiarum munera:
dissolve litis vincula,
astringe pacis foedera.
Praesta, Pater piissime,
Patrique compar Unice,
cum Spiritu Paraclito
regnans per omne saeculum. Amen.
O God alone, who fashioned man,
And ordered all to suit your plan,
Commanding from the earth to spring
Each animal and creeping thing:
Their giant forms that move and stand
Have come to life at your command;
You put them under man’s control
To serve him in their proper role.
Your servants save and keep secure
From anything at all impure
That moves them to an evil deed
Or undermines the life they lead.
Give them the joys of your reward;
Give them the gifts of grace restored.
Untie the bonds of strife and stress;
Draw tight the ties of peacefulness.
Most gracious Father, only Son,
And Comforter, the Three-in-One;
Accept our praise and grant our plea,
Who live and reign eternally. Amen.