Sol, ecce, lentus occidens
montes et arva et aequora
maestus relinquit, innovat
sed lucis omen crastinae.
Mirantibus mortalibus
sic te, Creator provide,
leges vicesque temporum
umbris dedisse et lumini.
Ac dum, tenebris aethera,
silentio prementibus,
vigor laborum deficit,
quies cupita quaeritur,
Spe nos fideque divites
tui beamur lumine
Verbi, quod est a saeculis
splendor paternae gloriae.
Est ille sol qui nesciat
ortum vel umquam vesperum;
quo terra gestit contegi,
quo caeli in aevum iubilant.
Hac nos serena perpetim
da luce tandem perfrui,
cum Nato et almo Spiritu
tibi novantes cantica. Amen.
Behold the slowly setting sun
Leave field and sea and mountain height;
It goes with sadness, but renews
The promise of tomorrow’s light.
O provident Creator, thus,
As mortals wonder, you arrange
The laws of time, and order how
The dark and light their place exchange.
While darkness moves in silently,
The light of heaven to enclose,
Our strength for work begins to fail;
We long for rest and seek repose.
May we be rich in faith and hope
And find contentment in the light
Of your own Word, who always shines,
Light of the Father’s glory bright.
He is that sun who knows no rise,
No setting does his splendor know,
But covers earth and makes it glad,
And heaven revels in its glow.
Grant us, that we may endlessly
Enjoy this light at last with you,
And with the Son and Spirit blest,
To you our songs of praise renew. Amen.